We gather every Sunday for worship at 11:00am.  All are invited to join us.   

Our worship service is liturgical and traditional, yet flexible.  We consider worship to be participatory, with God alone as the audience.  Come as you are and see if First Presbyterian of Manchester is what you are looking for in a church home!


At 11:00 a.m. on Sundays, in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church of Manchester, you will find people from all walks of life.  We believe that God has given us the church for our mutual support and encouragement and that it is in relationship with Christians that we are able to best do the work of Christ. Everyone is welcome to worship with us - no exceptions.

Our Sunday morning worship is traditional and follows the liturgy of the reformed tradition. As we gather for worship, we shift the focus from ourselves to God. Before hearing the Word of God, we pray for illumination so that the Holy Spirit will open our ears to hear and our hearts to receive what God is saying to each of us through scripture. Our pastor, CJ Thompson, thoughtfully and prayerfully creates his uplifting sermons, following the selected weekly Bible passages.

Most worshipers would agree that some of the most moving words are those we sing. To worship and praise with song, we use the most recent Presbyterian Church (USA) hymnal, Glory to God. This collection includes the timeless hymns of the church and also offers more recent selections from modern hymn and songwriters. Also, each Sunday, as part of the worship service, our choir lifts its voice in a stirring anthem.

Throughout the service, there are several opportunities for prayer so that we may lift up our petitions and celebrations, both as a group, and in silent individual worship, listening for God’s presence.

In the truest sense of the word, our worship is contemporary; it addresses the spiritual needs of people of faith in the modern world, never forgetting that we worship a God who has been faithful and loving throughout the generations. Through our worship, we seek to strengthen people to live out the gospel in all parts of their lives and to be witnesses to God’s goodness in this world.


Recurring sunday events

1st Sunday - All God’s Children Sunday (Donations of snacks and juice for the after-school program at All God’s Children) 

2nd Sunday - Peanut Butter Sunday  (Donations of peanut butter, a staple for the Good Samaritan food bank)

4th Sunday - Halt Hunger (Monetary donations are collected for the hungry in our community)

5th Sunday – Hymn Sing during Worship


All baptized believers are invited to

join us at the Lord's Table

First Sunday of Every Month

Maundy Thursday (Thursday before Easter)


Christmas Eve

